Tuesday, December 1, 2015

And the winner is ...

The soft-hearted Genealogy Kids wish they could give a RootsTech pass to all of you!  But the day has come for announcing one winner.  Watch this video to see who it is!

We hope to see all of you in Salt Lake City in February!  Thanks for entering.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Almost time for someone to WIN!

Don't forget! Our Rootstech Pass GIVEAWAY ends tomorrow! One lucky winner will be announced on the morning of Dec. 1st. Stay tuned!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Family Discovery Day speakers announced!

Just in from Rootstech:

Elder & Sister Renlund, Sister Wixom, and Brother Owen will speak at Family Discovery Day, Feb. 6th!  We're so excited for this day!  If you haven't registered yet, now's the time!  Click HERE to go to Rootstech's website.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Kids can index!

At our house, indexing is not just for adults. Okay, mom helps us login and find kid-friendly indexing projects, but then we're good! Indexing is a great service and a great way for kids to learn what family history records look like. Want to try? Head over to FamilySearch.org and sign up!

Saturday, November 14, 2015


We are excited to announce our ROOTSTECH 2016 CONFERENCE PASS GIVEAWAY!!!!

As an official Ambassador for the conference, The Genealogy Kids blog has 1 FREE 3-day conference pass to award to 1 lucky winner!  To enter, watch this cute video and

1. COMMENT BELOW.  Tell us why you would like to win a conference pass to Rootstech!

2. LIKE our Facebook page (and feel free to share it with your friends): www.facebook.com/thegenealogykids

Be sure to enter this month!!!! We'll contact & announce the winner the morning of Dec. 1st!

And to be clear, LDS Church members 8 and older can attend FAMILY DISCOVERY DAY (Saturday, Feb. 6) for FREE, but you MUST REGISTER in advance.  Our pass giveaway is for a pass to the entire 3-day conference (Feb. 3-6) ... a $249 value! (But even with a conference pass you must register separately for Family Discovery Day to attend both.)  If you have already purchased a Rootstech pass, you may still enter our giveaway and be refunded upon winning.

For more information about Rootstech and to register, CLICK HERE.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Register now for Family Discovery Day! (and it's almost time for a GIVEAWAY)

Did you know KIDS can go to Rootstech!?  Family Discovery Day (Saturday, Feb. 6, 2016) is free and open to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ages 8 and up.  If you're in Utah and able to go, you won't regret it!

BUT, even though it's free, you can't just show up.  You MUST REGISTER, and you better do it soon.  This will likely sell-out.  For information about the Rootstech Conference click HERE.
(And for you wise, mature, older genealogists who don't have to go to school on weekdays, pay attention: The Genealogy Kids has a FREE FULL-CONFERENCE PASS (a $249 value) to give away!  We'll be announcing entry rules very soon!)

Friday, October 9, 2015

These 2 lucky Genealogy Kids are touring DC!!

The Genealogy Kids are in Washington DC visiting their aunt this week and soaking up a very historic place! I think I feel a video coming on! Stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Okay, you don't have to wait for Episode 6

The Genealogy Kids are right in the middle of a BIG project ... the making of our "How to Research Your Ancestor" series of videos.  We hope you've enjoyed Episodes 1-3, and we promise we're working on episodes 4-6.  But just in case you are anxious to get researching your ancestor and you don't want to wait for the rest of our "Tree Tips", we've decided to share with you our master plan.  These 6 steps (each step is featured in one of our videos) will help you to become a good researcher.  Within each video we demonstrate 3 "Tree Tips" ... so multiply 3 x 6 and that gives you ... 18 specific things to do to research your ancestor.  Hey, 18 is not a big number ... it fits on 1 page!!  You can do this.  Go!  Find your ancestor!  

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Registration is open for Rootstech 2016!

ROOTSTECH opened their registration today.  This amazing genealogy conference will take place Feb. 3-6 in Salt Lake City and you don't want to miss it.  Saturday, Feb. 6th is FAMILY DISCOVERY DAY ... a FREE event for your family (ages 8+).  You do need to register to attend.

The Genealogy Kids are registered.  Can't wait!

Click here for more info about Rootstech 2016.

Here we are in the Expo Hall at last year's Rootstech conference:

Friday, September 11, 2015

Chicken n' Noodles

Hi! This is Nathan. Here I am on my birthday eating my favorite dinner ... Chicken n' Noodles. What does that have to do with genealogy? Our great grandmother fed this meal to her family, my grandma fed it to hers, and now my parents feed it to me. Food + Family history = Fun. Check out our latest "Genealogy Cooks" video (just uploaded to our YouTube channel yesterday). What family history recipes do you love?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Facebook, here we come!

Did you know we have a facebook page?  Probably not.  We just made it.  But head over and "LIKE" us and share with your friends.  We're gearing up for some exciting things.  As an Ambassador for Rootstech 2016, our blog will be promoting the conference and you won't want to miss the fun.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Our grandpa is so cool!

Our grandpa made a music video!  Check it out ... filmed in Nauvoo, Illinois this summer.  Nauvoo is the home our Hardman ancestors came to from England.  And how 'bout those chops?!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Family reunions are a BLAST!!!!

Hi Guys! This is Becca ;)

Last week the Greenhalgh family had an awesome family reunion. We had so much fun swimming in Funk's lake, launching rockets, looking at the stars, eating great food, playing games, and just being with our family. A lot of people came, including my Great Grandpa Greenhalgh! He shared lots of fun stories with us. I can't wait until we have another reunion!    

Friday, July 24, 2015

Happy Pioneer Day!

We're Utahns, and that means today is a HOLIDAY! Today we celebrate the lives of the great people who settled our state ... and our family tree is FULL of them! We'll shoot off fireworks, think of our pioneers, and figure out how to turn the stroller into a covered wagon for the neighborhood parade. Here are a few of the pioneers we admire and revere:

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Genealogy Kids Ep. 3 is DONE!

Episode 3 is the best one yet!

We hope you're looking forward to episode 3! Maybe it will post in the next day or two (if you're lucky, and if we finish our voice-overs).

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Genealogy Kids present ... The Genealogy COOKS! #1

While you're waiting for Episode 3 (it's well underway), enjoy a lovely family recipe from The Genealogy Kids  COOKS!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tree tips, jokes, research rules & no-no's ... UPDATED!

Now that Episode 2 is complete, we're excited to film Episode 3!  FYI, our master-plan includes 6 episodes which are designed to be a basic "HOW TO RESEARCH YOUR ANCESTOR" series.  

Episode 1 focused on conducting a "preliminary survey" ... this is the first step in any research project.  Look around to see what you already know, talk to family, and see what's been done online.

Episode 2 focused on which records might help you to document your ancestor's "vital information" ... that's birth, marriage, and death.

Episode 3 should be quite exciting ... okay, we'll just tell you: It's all about discovering the setting of your ancestor's life (we'll jump into censuses and study the places & periods our ancestor's lived in).

As episodes are released, we'll update our Tree Tips, Jokes, Research Rules, and No-No's pages on this blog.  Thanks for reading/sharing!!

Stay tuned to see what THE GENEALOGY KIDS will do next...

Friday, April 24, 2015

Episode 2 is on our YouTube channel!!!!

It's the moment you've all been waiting for!  Check out our latest episode on YouTube.  Episode 2 is all about using sources to locate "vital information" (that's birth, marriage & death) about your ancestor.  Enjoy!  And share!  And subscribe!  And like!  THANKS!!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Episode 2 is almost done!

Ooh!! We're excited.

Episode 2 is all filmed and almost ready to post.  Check back in the next day or two to see if it's ready, or better yet, subscribe to this blog and our YouTube channel so you'll never miss anything.  We have so many ideas for future videos and pages.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Crestleaf.com’s Guess My Family Heritage Blogathon Contest

Can you tell just by looking at this handsome ancestor of ours where he comes from?
Take a guess in the comments below by referencing our handsome ancestor, Lehi Nephi Hardman, and guessing his heritage. This guy has a great story! The contest can be found here: http://crestleaf.com/blog/enter-win-guess-family-heritage-blogathon-contest

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Genealogy Kids visit FamilySearch's Discovery Center & This is the Place

Nathan here!!!  We're having a good spring break.  Friday we went to FamilySearch's Discovery Center in Salt Lake City and saw some cool things.  Here's Sam & Owen "crossing the pond" with magnetic ships ...

And Sam dressed as a roman soldier.

We also went to This is the Place Heritage Park and saw what life was like for early settlers in Utah.

Owen plowing a field:

Becca beating some rugs:

And cowboy James riding his horse:
Okay bye now.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Episode 2 in production

The kiddos and I are busy building Episode 2.  This time the kids will demonstrate how to locate your ancestor's vital information (birth, marriage, death).  Don't forget to follow our blog and subscribe to our YouTube channel so you'll know when new videos pop up.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

New pages ...

New to our blog today are pages featuring "Tree Tips" from our videos, "Research Rules! (with Rebecca)" and "Nathan's No-No's" (what NOT to do while researching your family history).  Just click on the tabs at the top of the page to see what we're talking about.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Episode 1 is on our YouTube channel!!

Hurry over to THE GENEALOGY KIDS YouTube Channel to see our very first episode!  Be sure to like & subscribe so the genealogy kids will have extra motivation to get episode 2 done right away.  We're having fun learning about our ancestors and we hope you will, too!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

What's coming?

I hope you're excited!  THE GENEALOGY KIDS are getting ready to post their very first video (which will appear here as well as on our youtube channel).


Well, they're my kids.  I am Jana Greenhalgh, a mother and family historian.  My husband Brent and I are the parents of six great kids.  Our oldest two children, Nathan & Becca, will be the hosts of our family's new video series -- The Genealogy Kids -- featuring tips for researching your ancestors.
As a degreed genealogist (BA in Genealogy/Family History from BYU) and the producer/editor of THE GENEALOGY KIDS, I have outlined these homemade films to be instructional for anyone seeking to research their family history.  That means kids and kids-at-heart will be entertained and educated.  Doing genealogy shouldn't be overly complicated, so our films are simple and short.  Each of our videos will feature an ancestor from our family -- someone to serve as an example while we demonstrate our family history search skills.  Each episode will highlight 3 "Tree Tips," and watching the episodes in order will help you to understand the basic steps of genealogical research.

Kids make things fun, so don't expect a boring lecture in our films.  In fact, expect a "genealogy joke of the day" and other exciting features like "Research Rules! with Rebecca" (sound research techniques as taught by a darling 10-year old girl) and "Nathan's No-Nos!" (what NOT to do when researching your family history).

Over time, we hope to add features to our blog that will serve as references for young family historians and their families.  Check back soon for links to helpful websites, lists of our "Tree Tips," family history activities for kids, etc.

Please follow our blog and let us know what you think!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Almost up and running!

We are excited to announce that THE GENEALOGY KIDS' very first video is almost done!  Check back soon to see our videos and get tips on researching your ancestors.